My grandmother has founded kennel of Golden-West 14.7.1964. Her first dog was a rough collie and she started breeding with this breed. She breed two litters of collies under this kennel name, the of Golden-West A and B litter. Then she changed to Borzoi.
Vasaravuoren Felicita & granny
But how did Aili and Unto discover the borzois? Well. once they were in a dog show in Lahti, Finland, where Aili saw a borzoi and at once fell in love with this noble, beautiful and chastened dog, which happened to be Carina of Vasaravuori. Aili said to my grandfather Unto: "I want to have this dog, how beautiful she is." Unto was first against the idea, how do they manage with such a big dog. However, one day in year 1965, Unto took Aili to a trip and surprise, surprise, drove her to Vasaravuori kennel. On the way back home, they had with them their foundation bitch Vasaravuoren Felicita.
The kennels two first litters has been most used in breedingin Scandinavia. The kennel has also bred up litters of shih tzu, sloughi and greyhound. Breeder's interview Borzoi 2/94 Aili told that no other race has taken so much place in her heart than borzoi.
Helsinki International Winner Show 1971. There was 35 breeder's classes and 32 brood bitch/stud dog classes in the competition and kennel of Golden-West won both competitions

The kennel of Golden-West has neem Vuolasvirta-nominated, a distinguished Finnish prize in 1994 for "creditable educational work of borzoi". Aili has been a member of Finnish Borzoiclub from 1980 to 1983 and from 1986 to 1987 and as a member in the breeding commission in years 1986-1987. She has also represented the club on the Finnish Greyhoudn Association. Aili has been awarded with the Finnish Greyhound Association badge of honour. The Finnish Borzoiclub has given Aili perpetual memebership in 1990. In 1996 she was promoted member of honour in the Finnish Borzoiclub for her credits in breeding work and actions within the Club.
Aili's best dog ever was of Golden West Fanka (Frimod's Frappant x Vasaravuoren Felicita), show was chosen as BOB in most shows and Fanka needed in only one CACIB to achieve the Int Ch-title. Fanka's brother Fargo (red-white) aws sold to Sweden, to kennel LeiCros. Fargo was their first male. Int Nord Ch of Golden-West Czarina (Igor of Iarnac x Vasaravuoren Felicita) was one of Aili's most beautiful dog. I remember her myself, this dog was still a beauty at the age of 12 years. Czarina's daughter Int Nord Ch of Golden-West Kira (Int Nord Ch Bloshoi Bamse x Int Nord Ch of Golden-West Czarina), she had a lovely character and was a very delicate and beautiful borzoi. The litter was born in 1990. This was the last litter bred by Aili and has as parents Fin Est Ch Yablonaja Poti x Fin N Est Ch of Golden-West Busy.
From Aili’s and Unto’s dogs I remember especially Int & Scand Ch Of Golden-West Malenkij. He was a smiley boy, always friendly to everybody and my grandfather’s blue-eyed boy. Of course Int & Scand Ch Of Golden-West Kira has to be mentioned, a more lovely character cannot be found! And last but not least, Busy’s daughter Fin & Est Ch & Est WW-1993 Of Golden-West Esepa “Iina” my own smiley girl, that I will never forget!
The most significant feature of my grandmother’s dogs was definitely their good characters. She kept the nobility of her dogs to the very end, and she was very careful with the pedigree selection. I remember when my dog , Iina didn’t get pregnant, we started to look for another dog for me to go on with the breeding. it was surprisingly difficult, until my grandmother and I saw an interesting article in the Finnish Borzoi Klub’s magazine about Coverdale’s Kennel, owned by Kaisa Talvenheimo. A litter of 2 bitches and 5 males of Fin, N,S & Est Ch & Est WW-1995 Dimitroff D.Y.Av. Fjascho/Japejukan Kuurankukka was born. So we travelled to Turku to get one bitch, but the better one was already taken, Fin Ch Coverdale’s Dahlia Unique “Iiris”, owner Maarit Jetsu. But the males were also very interesting and of them I choose Fin Ch Coverdale’s Dimitroff “Juuso”. I haven’t regretted my choice for one day, Juuso is a really kind dog, with nerves of steel.
Fin Ch Coverdale's Dimiroff & his son Coverdale's Ikaros & I