Falling Star 3.6.2006 7+2

Yegorov Sea Light x Fin KVA-m Eugenian Anastasia

pedigree: https://jalostus.kennelliitto.fi/frmSukutaulu.aspx?RekNoI=FIN14738%2F03&RekNoE=FIN45029%2F04&Sukupolvet=6 

C.I.B & MultCH of Golden-West Felicita, "Tuisku"

BOS - Winner

ow.Anu Kivinen,Finland


of Golden-West Franceska


ow. Kennel Bolshoi, Finland


of Golden-West Fuuga

ow. Maritta Järvelä



of Golden-West Fedja "Otto"

ow. Maritta Järvelä, Finland


of Golden-West Faruco My Jewel "Faruco"



Lovely Faruco pass away car accident

ow. Christiane Anzenhoter, Germany

Christiane, you say:

" I have a wonderful, unforgottable time with Faruco and I love Faruco so much"

I'm so thankful, that you take care our Faruco!

We honour in memory of Silver,

You was very wonderful human and I hope, that you have be good now!
Miss, Nina


Coursing Master 2008 of Golden-West Figaro "Saska" 3x Cac Lurecoursing

ow. Kapa Rodman


photo: Ella Niinistö

handler: Maija Sivonen

of Golden-West Fiasko

ow. Tiina Kivipuro, Finland

of Golden-West Faarao "Ruu"


ow. Mari Asikainen

of Golden-West Fila


ow. Heidi Titoff & Lauri Tarkiainen, Finland